Development of a 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy technique to quantify NADH and NAD + at 3 T.

Julian Mevenkamp, Yvonne M H Bruls, Rodrigo Mancilla, Lotte Grevendonk, Joachim E Wildberger, Kim Brouwers, Matthijs K C Hesselink, Patrick Schrauwen, Joris Hoeks, Riekelt H Houtkooper, Mijke Buitinga, Robin A de Graaf, Lucas Lindeboom, Vera B Schrauwen-Hinderling

Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review


NADH and NAD + act as electron donors and acceptors and NAD + was shown to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis and metabolic health. We here develop a non-invasive Phosphorous Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ( 31P-MRS) method to quantify these metabolites in human skeletal muscle on a clinical 3 T MRI scanner. This new MR-sequence enables NADH and NAD+ quantification by suppressing α-ATP signal, normally overlapping with NADH and NAD +. The sequence is based on a double spin echo in combination with a modified z-Filter achieving strong α-ATP suppression with little effect on NAD + and NADH. Here we test and validate it in phantoms and in humans by measuring reproducibility and detecting a physiological decrease in NAD + and increase in NADH induced by ischemia. Furthermore, the 31P-MRS outcomes are compared to analysis in biopsies. Additionally, we show higher NAD + and lower NADH content in physically active older adults compared to sedentary individuals, reflecting increased metabolic health.

Originele taal-2English
TijdschriftNature Communications
Nummer van het tijdschrift1
StatusPublished - 24 okt. 2024
Extern gepubliceerdJa


  • mensen
  • NAD/metabolisme
  • magnetische resonantiespectroscopie/methoden
  • mannelijk
  • spieren, skelet/metabolisme
  • volwassenen
  • vrouwelijk
  • oud
  • middelbare leeftijd
  • adenosinetrifosfaat/metabolisme
  • reproduceerbaarheid van resultaten
  • fantomen, beeldvorming
  • magnetische resonantie beeldvorming/methoden
  • fosfor-isotopen


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