Cultural Differences and Entrepreneurial Needs

Isaac Wanasika, Diederich Bakker, Rainer Wehner, Gouher Ahmed, Mukhammadfoik Bakhadirov, Hugh (L.) Liu, Liu Rong, Yuki Tsuzuki, Mikus Dubickis, Stephen Treacy, Sami Al Kharusi, Maria Gabriela Silva, Andreea Militaru, Greeshma Kondalu, Helena Markova, Rocco Acocela

Onderzoeksoutput: Contribution to conference proceedingAcademicpeer review

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The purpose of this study was to investigate entrepreneurial intentions and cultural differences. The sample represents 1,110 business students from ten cultural
clusters. The students completed a questionnaire that focussed on various dimensions of entrepreneurial intentions. Results indicated various statistically significant differences between the cultures. Country specific strategies related to enhancing entrepreneurship are discussed at the end of the paper.
Originele taal-2English
TitelInternational Business with New Challenges and Entrepreneurial Opportunities
RedacteurenEmin Akçaoğlu, Rainer Wehner
Plaats van productieWürzburg
UitgeverijWürzburg International Business Press
Aantal pagina's7
ISBN van geprinte versie978-3-949864-06-3
StatusPublished - 2023


  • ondernemerschap
  • culturele verschillen


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