Crossing boundaries: improving communication in cerebral palsy care

Jitske Gulmans-Weitenberg

Onderzoeksoutput: PhD Research internal, graduation external

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The aim of the present thesis was to contribute to the improvement of patient care communication across the integrated care setting of children with cerebral palsy. Hereto, we followed two subsequent phases: 1) obtaining a better understanding of the experienced quality of patient care communication across the integrated care setting of cerebral palsy in three Dutch care regions; and 2) investigating the feasibility and usability of an eHealth application to improve patient care communication in these care regions.
Originele taal-2English
  • Harten, van, W. (Wim) H. van Harten, Supervisor, Externe Persoon
Plaats van publicatieEnschede
Gedrukte ISBN's978-90-365-3305-8
StatusPublished - 30 mrt. 2012


  • gezondheidszorg
  • hersenbeschadiging
  • kinderen
  • commucatie


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