Critical Incident Outcome Measure (CIOM)

Lakshmipriya Kannon, Noi Quao, Ivan Steenstra

Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review


Critical incident response (CIR) has evolved to require a high level of cultural competence, customization, and adaptability to meet the needs of client organizations while incorporating clinical best practices and current research. The Critical Incident Outcome Measure (CIOM) is a timely and pioneering evidence-based evaluative tool developed by Morneau Shepell over the course of a four-year period. The CIOM tool, based on the Workplace Outcomes Suite (WOS) tool originally developed in 2010, was developed in 2016 [Herlihy, 2018]; beta tests and modifications, along with the publication of a validation paper, were completed in 2017; further feedback was incorporated and an implementation plan developed in 2018; and full program implementation began in 2019.
Originele taal-2English
TijdschriftJournal of Employee Assistance
StatusPublished - 2020


  • critical incident outcome measure
  • kritische incidenten
  • reacties
  • wereldgezondheidsorganisatie
  • gegevensverzameling


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