Changing shapes of care: expressions of filial piety among second-generation Chinese in the Netherlands

Sie Long Cheung, Sarah Cummings, Johannes Hobbelen, Ernest Wing-Tak Chui, Hans Barf

Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review


This study explored perceptions of filial care among second-generation Chinese immigrants in the Netherlands. The provision of filial help or care can be regarded as a cultural phenomenon known as filial piety and it can be considered within the broad scope of caregiving as “family care”. Fifteen interviews were conducted, and a thematic analysis was applied. The findings showed that care was given in the form of language brokering, information inquiry, home visits, and facilitative and social support. Care was perceived as a moral duty among the participants and was grounded in their perceived sense of responsibility. The participants’ perspectives on current and future care included practical and normative considerations for meeting parental needs, and included opinions based on filial piety norms. In conclusion, this study showed that filial piety, specifically filial care, is still relevant to the younger immigrant Chinese community in the Netherlands.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's23
TijdschriftJournal of Family Issues
Vroegere onlinedatum5 mei 2020
StatusPublished - 5 mei 2020


  • familiezorg
  • sociaal kapitaal
  • migranten
  • chinezen
  • nederland


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