Addresses the implementation of green-energy technology from a technological to a national level.
Features illustrative case studies of developing countries.
Written by experts.
Features illustrative case studies of developing countries.
Written by experts.
Originele taal-2 | English |
Plaats van productie | London, UK |
Uitgeverij | Springer |
Aantal pagina's | 160 |
Uitgave | 1 |
ISBN van elektronische versie | 978-1-84996-399-2 |
ISBN van geprinte versie | 978-1-84996-398-5 |
DOI's | |
Status | Published - 22 mei 2012 |
Extern gepubliceerd | Ja |
Publicatie series
Reeks | Green Energy and Technology |
ISSN | 1865-3529 |
- klimaatverandering
- ontwikkelingslanden
- technologietransitie