Blockchain: technology looking for a problem? visions of blockchain technology in real estate

Jan Veuger, Jo Bronckers

Onderzoeksoutput: Contribution to conference proceedingProfessional

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At the moment of writing of this article, mid-2018, the topic ‘blockchain’ was introduced in the real estate industry in the Netherlands about two years ago. Blockchain will have a large impact in the way we share information and make transactions. Its promise is big, interest in the topic and the number of experiments doubles each year, and not only in the Netherlands, but globally too. So you might expect the number of actual ‘blockchain products’ for the real estate market to follow the same exponential pattern.
In reality, however, this is hardly the case at all. Does that mean there are barely any problems to which blockchain is the solution? Perhaps the problems do exist, but the market is not ready yet? And why not? The two most frequently asked questions in the real estate industry are the following:
1. How will blockchain change my business model?
2. Where can I buy it so that I can employ it tomorrow?
Originele taal-2English
TitelBook of Proceedings
SubtitelCIRRE 2018
UitgeverijHanze University of Applied Sciences
ISBN van geprinte versie978-90-827076-3-2
StatusPublished - sep. 2018
Evenement2018 CIRRE Conference: 3rd Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate - Hanze UAS Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Duur: 20 sep. 201821 sep. 2018


Conference2018 CIRRE Conference
Verkorte titelCIRRE
Internet adres


  • vastgoed
  • technologie
  • congressen (vorm)


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