Assessing the influence of floating constructions on water quality and ecology

Floris Boogaard, Rui de Lima, Vladislav Sazonov

    Onderzoeksoutput: PaperAcademic

    232 Downloads (Pure)


    Large floating projects have the potential to overcome the challenge of land scarcity in urban areas and offer opportunities for energy and food production, or even for creating sustainable living environments. However, they influence the physical, chemical, biological and ecological characteristics of water bodies. The interaction of the floating platforms affect multiple complex aquatic processes, and the potential (negative/positive) effects are not yet fully understood. Managing entities currently struggle with lack of data and knowledge that can support adequate legislation to regulate future projects.
    In the Netherlands the development of small scale floating projects is already present for some years (e.g. floating houses, restaurants, houseboats), and more recently several large scale floating photovoltaic plants (FPV) have been realized. Several floating constructions in the Netherlands were considered as case-studies for a data-collection campaign.
    To obtain data and images from underneath floating buildings, underwater drones were equipped with cameras and sensors. The drones were used in multiple locations to scan for differences in concentrations of basic water quality parameters (e.g. dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, algae, light intensity) from underneath/near the floating structures, which were then compared with data from locations far from the influence of the buildings. Continuous data was also collected over several days using multi-parameter water quality sensors permanently installed under floating structures.
    Originele taal-2English
    StatusPublished - 6 okt. 2020


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