Applications and their Piloting

Geert Alberts (Editor), Rob Willems (Editor), Susanne Peeger

    Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterProfessional


    Accessibility and connectivity are essential for livability and economic growth
    throughout the world. Improving the accessibility of physical transport is
    important for achieving the social and economic inclusion of rural areas. In
    reality, rural areas lag behind with respect to physical accessibility and
    connectivity. The ambition of the ITRACT project (Improving Transport and
    Accessibility through new Communication Technologies) was to use ICT to
    create smart mobility services to improve accessibility and connectivity in rural

    Improving Transport and Accessibility through new communication technologies (ITRACT) is a project funded by the European Union. The Interreg IVB and the EFRE programs have the focus on rural regions and their special needs. Involved in the ITRACT project are partners in the Netherlands, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden and Germany.
    Originele taal-2English
    TitelBest Practice Guide on User Empowerment Workshops for ICT
    Plaats van productieWilhelmshaven
    UitgeverijJade University of Applied Sciences
    StatusPublished - jan. 2015


    • ICT


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