Animation 3: Processing and Supply Chain: Animation for the LIBBIO closing conference

Onderzoeksoutput: Digital or Visual ProductsAcademic


In the BBI-JU project LIBBIO, institutions across Europe researched the development of the ideal Andean Lupin variant. Successful breeding programmes resulted in the variant COTOPAXI, which received European Breeder’s Rights within five years. Learn more about how this was achieved in this video.
Originele taal-2English
Plaats van productieVimeo
UitgeverResearch Centre Biobased Economy
StatusPublished - 10 jun. 2021
EvenementSlotbijeenkomst LIBBIO - Online, Groningen , Netherlands
Duur: 10 jun. 202110 jun. 2021


  • libbio
  • teelt
  • lupine
  • waardeketen
  • valorisatie
  • biorefinery


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