An innovative method in creating healthier environment in rural areas

Roya Shokoohi (First author), Elisabeth Bulder, Theo van Alphen, Frank den Hertog, Judith Hin

Onderzoeksoutput: AbstractProfessional

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Rural areas in the northern parts of the Netherlands have lots of potentials to provide a healthy environment for their residents. However, population changes (ageing, outmigration) have a negative impact on the quality of life of residents. The GO!-Method that has been developed by the National Institute of Public Health and Environment (RIVM) in The Netherlands is used in this study. It allows us to identify the opportunities and needs in a systematic way and combine local knowledge by involving residents and local authorities with results of research for a sustainable move towards a healthier environment. Our presentation will focus on the GO!-Method as a bottom up method and its use in identifying threats and changes in realising a healthy living environment.

Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - 3 jul. 2019
EvenementInternational Conference on Population Geographies (ICPG) 2019 - Loughborough University, Loughborough , United Kingdom
Duur: 1 jul. 20193 jul. 2019
Congresnummer: 10th


ConferenceInternational Conference on Population Geographies (ICPG) 2019
Land/RegioUnited Kingdom
Internet adres


  • Healthy environment, rural areas, innovative method

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