ACL research retreat VII: an update on anterior cruciate ligament injury risk factor identification, screening, and prevention

Sandra Shultz, Randy Schmitz, Anne Benjaminse, Malcolm Collins, Kevin Ford, Anthony Kulas

Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review


The seventh ACL Research Retreat was held March 19–21, 2015, in Greensboro, North Carolina. The retreat brought together clinicians and researchers to present and discuss the most recent advances in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury epidemiology, risk factor identification, and injury risk screening and prevention strategies. Subsequently, our goal was to identify important unknowns and future research directions. The ACL Research Retreat VII was attended by 64 clinicians and researchers from Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, the Netherlands, South Africa, the United States, and the United Kingdom. The meeting featured 3 keynote and 29 podium presentations highlighting recent research. Keynotes were delivered by Bruce Beynnon, PhD (Univer- sity of Vermont), Charles ‘‘Buz’’ Swanik, PhD, ATC (University of Delaware), and Mark Paterno, PhD, PT, ATC, SCS (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Cen- ter), addressing their ongoing work related to sex-specific multivariate risk factor models for ACL injury,1 the role of the brain in noncontact ACL injury,2 and the incidence and predictors of a second ACL injury after primary ACL reconstruction and return to sport,3 respectively. Podium and poster presentations were organized into thematic sessions of prospective and case-control risk factor studies, anatomical and hormonal risk factors, neuromuscular and biomechanical risk factors, injury risk assessment after ACL injury, and injury-prevention strategies. Time was provided for group discussion throughout the conference. At the end of the meeting, attendees participated in 1 of 3 breakout sessions on the topics of genetic, hormonal, and anatomical risk factors; neuromechanical contributions to ACL injury; and risk factor screening and prevention. From these discussions, we updated the 2012 consensus state- ment4 to reflect the most recent advances in the field and to revise the important unknowns and future directions necessary to enhance our understanding of ACL injury. Following are the updated consensus statement, keynote presentation summaries, and free communication abstracts organized by topic and presentation order.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's18
TijdschriftJournal of Athletic Training
Nummer van het tijdschrift10
StatusPublished - 2015


  • sportblessures
  • preventie


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