Teachers and parents: partners in the fight against bullying

Project: Research



Bullying at school is an emotionally charged topic that significantly tests the relationship between parents and teachers. It is a sensitive issue as it directly relates to the child's upbringing at home. Furthermore, parents and teachers have differing perspectives on the child, and the strategies they adopt to curb bullying are based on different perspectives and spheres of influence. In recent years, a variety of measures have been implemented in order to combat bullying at primary schools. Many different anti-bullying programmes have been developed for schools and a wide range of methods, training courses and tools are available to help teachers work together with parents in order to optimise their child's educational development. However, all of these anti-bullying methods lack concrete advice and tools to help teachers work together with parents whose children are personally involved in an incidence of bullying, despite experts across the board agreeing that cooperation between parents and teachers is of vital importance.
The goal of this project is to develop an effective strategy to facilitate cooperation between parents and teachers that can be employed in the event of bullying as a supplement to existing anti-bullying programmes. This consortium's ambition is to boost the social safety of children in primary education by applying expertise in the field of bullying and parental involvement, and by combining past experiences.
Effectieve start/einddatum1/12/1831/12/23

Samenwerkende partners

  • Hanze (hoofd)
  • University of Groningen, Department of Sociology
  • Cedin
  • Hogeschool Rotterdam
  • Hogeschool Windesheim Zwolle
  • Nederlands Jeugdinstituut


  • ouderbetrokkenheid
  • pesten
  • onderwijs


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