phōnē – Giving Minority Languages a Voice

Project: Research



phōnē – Giving Minority Languages a Voice is a project application to safeguards and promotes cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe. We will connect people who belong to a language minority in their countries with European values across language and cultural borders. 10 institutions will cooperate for the first time, breaking new ground for the RML theatre sector and improving their standing nationally
and internationally. phōnē will be the first ever major international collaboration between theatres working for minority languages.

“Languages are vehicles of our cultures, collective memory and values. They are an essential component of our identities, and a building block of our diversity and living heritage.”

The loss of a language means not only the loss of a basic element of communication, but also of a complete system of knowledge developed over time. The disappearance of a language also means the loss of a unique, unrecoverable universe associated with a particular environment. It means the loss of diversity.

Phōnē wants to make an active contribution to the vitalisation of endangered minority languages. In order to keep endangered languages alive, theatre is one of the most suitable media because it provides a space for language, but also because it uses non-language-based forms of communication. In this way, theatre in particular makes it easier for people who do not yet have a confident knowledge of the
minority language to get started. This will safeguard cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe. Strengthening the cultures and their languages will also strengthen the economic basis of the theatres working in these minority languages.

phōnē is aiming for three main objectives to strengthen theatre in its role of vitalising endangered minority languages.

A – Giving Minority Languages a voice
Together we will search for narratives that tell about the people in their minority language region. The
stories are about and from people who live and work in remote regions of Europe and are written and
developed in the respective minority language.

B – Giving Minority Languages a European stage
The developed texts need a stage to reach the widest possible audience. As different as the expected
narratives will be, so different will be the stages (outreach / site-specific / digital) on which they are presented.
Different formats support the goal of addressing the broadest possible audience in the communities
and involving them both passively and actively in the use of their minority language.
Korte titelphōnē
Effectieve start/einddatum1/04/221/10/24

Samenwerkende partners

  • Hanze
  • Fryske Toaniel Stifting Tryater (Joint applicant) (hoofd)
  • Deutsch-Sorbisches Volkstheater Bautzen (Joint applicant)
  • Teatr Piba (Joint applicant)
  • Teatrul Evreiesc De Stat (Joint applicant)
  • Axencia Galega Das Industrias Culturais (Joint applicant)
  • Fibín Teo (Joint applicant)
  • Stadttheater (Joint applicant)
  • Itu Teatteriforeeninki (Joint applicant)


  • art
  • language
  • diversity