Optimising physical fitness in patients receiving chemo-radiotherapy for head and neck cancer; a feasibility study

Project: Research



The feasibility of an exercise intervention during CRT in HNSCC patients will be studied to design an optimal, large-scale RCT comparing the exercise intervention during CRT to usual care (UC) with the aim of a beneficial effect on the tolerability of CRT and physical fitness, body composition, fatigue and QoL on the longer term.

Layman's description

In dit onderzoek wordt de uitvoerbaarheid van een bewegingsprogramma tijdens chemoradiatie bij patienten met hoofd-halskanker onderzocht.
Korte titelPhysical futness in HNC
Effectieve start/einddatum1/01/1731/12/19


  • beweging
  • fysieke fitheid
  • hoofd-halskanker