Natural Antimicrobial Additives: from data to molecule

Project: Research



Nearly all waterborne products, such as food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, paints, biological (medical) samples, cosmetics and wood require preservation to prevent decomposition of the product due to microbial growth. Most non-food preservatives such as isothiazolinones, bronopol, and pyrithiones, are derived from oil and are increasingly more strictly regulated due to hazards such as ecotoxicity, sensibilization and development of allergies. The low legally permitted concentrations will not only become too low to realize preservation, they will also induce antimicrobial resistance. A chemical transition towards new, innovative, biobased, and eco-friendly preservatives is therefore required.
Wydo NBD is dedicated to research towards sustainable ingredients for waterborne paints. For this, together with the Hanze University, non-hazardous, eco-friendly and biobased natural preservatives will be identified and further developed towards marketable products. The knowledge obtained in this project will contribute to the development of biological (paint) conservatives knowledge and improvement of current production methods of Wydo, with the potential for wider application in food and medical products.

This project aims to identify natural antimicrobial additives and consists of three consecutive stages. First, an extensive, unbiased bioinformatics guided literature mining will be performed to find relationships between biological antimicrobial compounds and microbes found in paint. The most promising antimicrobials from this mining will be made available by chemical synthesis. Subsequently, the compounds will be assessed for their potential as novel natural preservatives for waterborne paints, by testing for their antimicrobial activity and stability
Effectieve start/einddatum1/05/2430/04/25

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