Improving equal access to inclusive and high-quality services in
education, training and lifelong learning by developing
infrastructure, including by promoting resilience for education and
training at a distance and online.
education, training and lifelong learning by developing
infrastructure, including by promoting resilience for education and
training at a distance and online.
Korte titel | MyCaDo |
Status | Actief |
Effectieve start/einddatum | 1/06/23 → 31/05/26 |
Samenwerkende partners
- Hanze
- Mariko (hoofd)
- Atria
- Hochschule Emden/Leer
- HR4you
- Lambers
- Maritieme Academie
- Seatrade Groningen
- Wijnne & Barends agenturen BV
- Integration
- labourmarket
- Martime skills
- Cross border