PhD Research - How can batteries be used to prevent overloading on the electricity grid

Project: PHD Onderzoek



Residential electricity distribution grid capacity
is based on the typical peak load of a house and the load
simultaneity factor. Historically, these values have remained
predictable, but this is expected to change due to increasing
electric heating using heat pumps and rooftop solar panel
electricity generation. It is currently unclear how this increase
in electrification will impact household peak load and load
simultaneity, and hence the required grid capacity of residential
electricity distribution grids. To gain better insight, transformer
and household load measurements were taken in an all-electric
neighborhood over a period of three years. These measurements
were analyzed to determine how heat pumps and solar panels
will alter peak load and load simultaneity and hence grid
capacity design parameters. Moreover, the potential for smart
grids to reduce peak loads and load simultaneity, and hence
reduce required grid capacities, was examined.
Effectieve start/einddatum1/12/201/10/24

Samenwerkende partners

  • Hanze (hoofd)
  • Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Enexis


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