IGNITION European Digital literacy Coalition for Inclusion, Collaboration and Innovationin Higher Education

Project: Research



IGNITION (European Digital Literacy Coalition for Inclusion, Collaboration and Inclusion in Higher Education) is an Erasmus funded Cooperation Partnership and its main goal is to enhance digital literacy and inclusion for teachers, faculty staff, students and life-long learners in external organizations that partners collaborate with.

IGNITION aims to increase awareness of and competence development in digital literacy of all people involved in digital transformation of higher education institutions through the project’s outcomes:

A Common Digital Agenda that gives direction to our activities
an Online Self-assessment tool to learn from and with each other;
the Digital Challenge Innovation Learning Lab (DChiLL),
the transnational Community of Practice for Digital Literacy and Inclusion (CoP), and
the Toolkit for engaging with external stakeholders through digital media

Partners are Hanze University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands), South East Technological University (Ireland), Hochschule Bremen (Germany), Polytechnic Institute of Braganza (Portugal).
Korte titelIGNITION
Effectieve start/einddatum3/04/223/04/25

Samenwerkende partners

  • Hanze (hoofd)
  • Hochschule Bremen
  • Instituto Politecnico de Braganca
  • South South East Technological University


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