Activiteiten per jaar
Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) can play an important part in the energy transition by providing a year-round net positive energy balance in urban areas. In creating PEDs, new challenges emerge for decision-makers in government, businesses and for the public. This proposal aims to provide replicable strategies for improving the process of creating PEDs with a particular emphasis on stakeholder engagement, and to create replicable innovative business models for flexible energy production, consumption and storage. The project will involve stakeholders from different backgrounds by collaborating with the province, municipalities, network operators, housing associations, businesses and academia to ensure covering all necessary interests and mobilise support for the PED agenda.
Two demo sites are part of the consortium to implement the lessons learnt and to bring new insights from practice to the findings of the project work packages. These are 1), Zwette VI, part of the city of Leeuwarden (NL), where local electricity congestion causes delays in building homes and small industries. And 2) Aalborg East (DK), a mixed-use neighbourhood with well-established partnerships between local stakeholders, seeking to implement green energy solutions with ambitions of moving towards net-zero emissions.
Two demo sites are part of the consortium to implement the lessons learnt and to bring new insights from practice to the findings of the project work packages. These are 1), Zwette VI, part of the city of Leeuwarden (NL), where local electricity congestion causes delays in building homes and small industries. And 2) Aalborg East (DK), a mixed-use neighbourhood with well-established partnerships between local stakeholders, seeking to implement green energy solutions with ambitions of moving towards net-zero emissions.
Korte titel | Flexposts |
Acroniem | FLXPSTS |
Status | Actief |
Effectieve start/einddatum | 23/08/22 → 22/08/25 |
Samenwerkende partners
- Hanze (hoofd)
- New Energy Coalition
- Gemeente Leeuwarden
- Energy Transtion
Second International Conference on New Pathways for a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition: Connecting Multiple Stakeholders and Levels
Kappert, R. (Chair) & van der Waal, E. (Chair)
22 jun. 2023Activiteit: Participation in conference
A Dry-milked Cow? On congestion and flexibility regulation for Dutch distribution grids
Lakerink, V. (Speaker)
19 apr. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation