Evaluation 10-years plan (2012-2022) as a basis for a new 10-years plan for the community of Westerbroek ((2022-2032)

Project: Research



In 2012 researchers from the professorship 'Krimp en Leefomgeving', together with the inhabitants of the village, created a longterm on how the village of Westerbroek would set its priorities concerning livability (facilities, health, environment, etc). This vision will be evaluated and used to work on a new longterm plan for the village together with all stakeholder inside and outside Westebroek.

Layman's description

In 2012 researchers from the professorship 'Krimp en Leefomgeving', together with the inhabitants of the village, created a longterm on how the village of Westerbroek would set its priorities concerning livability (facilities, health, environment, etc). This vision will be evaluated and used to work on a new longterm plan for the village together with all stakeholder inside and outside Westebroek.

Key findings

What is realized and what is not realized? Is this still important for the inhabitants or do they focus on new longterm targets?
Korte titelDorpsvisie Westerbroek (2022-2032)
Effectieve start/einddatum1/01/231/01/24

Samenwerkende partners

  • Hanze (hoofd)
  • Dorpsvereniging Westerbroek


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