ELLAN-European Later Life Active Network

Project: Research



The ELLAN is a Lifelong Learning Programme project funded by the European Commission for the period September 2013 – September 2016. The consortium included 26 partners from 25 countries in Europe. The ELLAN project promotes European cooperation and exchange of innovation and good practice related to the ageing population and to the educational preparation of those professionals in health and social care that work with older people. The desired outcome of the ELLAN project is a better quality of higher education related to the care and services of people in later life. The project includes several research based workpackage with the main project result being the "European Core Competences Framework for health and social care professionals working with older people". The project directly targets educators and management staff at the partner organizations and other higher education institutions in Europe. The indirect target groups are the students, professional communities and older people themselves.
Korte titelELLAN
Effectieve start/einddatum1/10/131/10/16

Samenwerkende partners

  • Hanze
  • Savonia University of Applied Sciences (hoofd)


  • Competences
  • Health and social care
  • older people


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