Developing outdoor fitness in different parts of Groningen

  • Shokoohi, Roya (PI)
  • Wiggers, Hiske (PI)
  • de Jong, Johan (PI)
  • Verbree, Hanneke (PI)

Project: Research



This a practical project that is part of the BIOR program in Groningen. We are aiming to explore the impact of implementing the fitness equipment as well as community involvements in four different areas in Groningen on physical activity level of residents and/or park utilisation. The project is drawing on qualitative data based on observation using SOPARC, interview with stakeholders and survey and focus group discussion with residents.

Layman's description

Can provision of outdoor fitness and engaging communities in decision making process , encourage residents to use the facilities and be more physical active?

Key findings

ongoing project
Korte titelMoving friendly environment
StatusNiet gestart

Samenwerkende partners

  • Hanze (hoofd)
  • Gemeente Groningen