• Zernikelaan 17, ENTRANCE

    9747AA Groningen


PhD-studenten accepteren


Upgrading and valorization of waste reduction
Production of green energy carrying chemical via bio and electro catalytic systems


Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar

Persoonlijk profiel

Personal profile

Research Theme(s): Sustainable processes, bio-hydrogen, renewable molecule production, green energy production through biological systems, carbon capturing strategies, environmental biochemistry, gene and protein discovery, novel protein function analysis.

Research Interests: Establishing applicable upscaling technologies, green and sustainable biogas production, platform molecule production with biocatalysis, discovering and characterizing novel enzymes, establishing new microbial reactions and biodegradation pathways, implementing AI and deep learning into processes, development of sustainable technologies and more.


  • TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
  • biodegradation
  • Energy
  • catalysis
  • sustainability
  • life cycle assessment


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