Activiteiten per jaar
- 50 - 91 van 91 resultaten
Op weg naar verpleegkundig vakinhoudelijk leiderschap
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
8 dec. 2016Activiteit: Oral presentation
Familiezorg en familiezorg-ondersteuning : naar een familiegerichte benadering
Marie Louise Luttik (Speaker) & Wolter Paans (Speaker)
6 sep. 2016Activiteit: Oral presentation
Diagnostiek en de rol van de Verpleegkundig Specialist
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
13 apr. 2016Activiteit: Invited talk
Relation Based Care
Wolter Paans (Speaker), Maria Müller-Staub (Speaker) & Wim Krijnen (Speaker)
18 nov. 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
Nursing Diagnostics in Europe Training and consortium meeting CCNURCA Project, 10-11 april 2016
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
10 apr. 2016 → 11 apr. 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
COHEHRE conference 2016
Inge Wijkamp (Speaker), Wolter Paans (Speaker) & Marca Wolfensberger (Speaker)
15 apr. 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
Nursing documentation and length of stay in orthopedic surgery
Wolter Paans (Speaker), Maria Muller Staub (Speaker) & Wim Krijnen (Speaker)
16 jun. 2016Activiteit: Oral presentation
Symposium Recht & Multiproblem
Wolter Paans (Speaker), Marie Louise Luttik (Speaker) & Klaartje van Montfort (Speaker)
10 jun. 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
13th International Congress in Nursing Informatics Geneva
Wolter Paans (Speaker), Maria Müller-Staub (Speaker) & Wim Krijnen (Speaker)
25 jun. 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
Herziening Richtlijn Verpleegkundige en Verzorgende Verslaglegging en Overdracht
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
1 sep. 2016 → 1 mrt. 2018Activiteit: Oral presentation
Kritisch redeneren en de empirische kenniscyclus
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
2 nov. 2015Activiteit: Oral presentation
NANDA, NIC en NOC in de praktijk, het onderwijs en het onderzoek. (18-11-2015). Lynda Carpenito Workshop NNN in the curriculum (19-11-2015), Amersfoort.
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
18 nov. 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
Communiceren, redeneren, classificeren en documenteren
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
17 nov. 2015Activiteit: Oral presentation
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
17 mei 2015Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar, course
10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Common European Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes (ACENDIO)
Wolter Paans (Speaker), Heleen de Graaf-Waar (Speaker), Maria Müller-Staub (Speaker) & J.E. Stuij-Honkoop (Speaker)
apr. 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
Innovatiewerkplaats Familiezorg
Luttik, M. L. (Speaker) & Paans, W. (Speaker)
12 nov. 2015Activiteit: Invited talk
10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Common European Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes (ACENDIO)
Paans, W. (Speaker), Krijnen, W. (Speaker) & Müller-Staub, M. (Speaker)
apr. 2015Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Lectorale rede dr. Wolter Paans - Verpleegkundige Diagnostiek
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
19 mei 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
Europäische Pflegesymposium Oldenburg
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
12 mrt. 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
Nationale Netwerk conferentie
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
6 sep. 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
Standard for clinical decision support systems in Electronic Health Records
Wolter Paans (Speaker), Maria Müller-Staub (Speaker) & Heleen de Graaf (Speaker)
19 jun. 2015Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Predictive power of nursing documentation on length of hospital stay in hip fracture patients
Wolter Paans (Speaker), Wim Krijnen (Speaker) & Maria Müller-Staub (Speaker)
16 apr. 2015 → 18 apr. 2015Activiteit: Oral presentation
Nursing research implementation: getting evidence into practice, a practicle example
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
23 mei 2015Activiteit: Oral presentation
NANDA-I conference in Porto
Wolter Paans (Speaker) & Maria Müller-Staub (Speaker)
2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
4 nov. 2014Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar, course
14e HGZO Congres 2014
Inge Wijkamp (Speaker), Wolter Paans (Speaker) & Marca Wolfensberger (Speaker)
27 mrt. 2014Activiteit: Participation in conference
ACENDIO Conference The E-Health domain in nursing
Wolter Paans (Speaker), Maria Müller-Staub (Speaker) & Matthias Odenbreit (Speaker)
15 mrt. 2013Activiteit: Participation in conference
Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2013
Inge Wijkamp (Speaker) & Wolter Paans (Speaker)
31 mei 2013Activiteit: Participation in conference
Honors Conference 2013
Inge Wijkamp (Speaker), Elske van Raaphorst (Speaker), Wolter Paans (Participant) & Marca Wolfensberger (Participant)
4 okt. 2013Activiteit: Participation in conference
The development of nursing diagnostics in the Netherlands
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
2013Activiteit: Participation in conference
International Conference on Evoking Excellence in Higher Education and Beyond 2012
Inge Wijkamp (Speaker) & Wolter Paans (Speaker)
okt. 2012Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar, course
The E-Health Summit: developing a nursing documentation standard
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
14 mei 2012Activiteit: Participation in conference
International Conference on Evoking Excellence in Higher Education and Beyond 2012
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
5 okt. 2012Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar, course
International Conference on Evoking Excellence in Higher Education and Beyond 2012
Marca Wolfensberger (Speaker), Petra van Heugten (Speaker), Wolter Paans (Speaker) & Inge Wijkamp (Speaker)
4 okt. 2012Activiteit: Participation in conference
ACENDIO Biennial Conference 'The E-Health Agenda'
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
17 mrt. 2011Activiteit: Participation in conference
Leadership in nursing “Prevalence of accurate nursing documentation in the patient record”, Sigma Theta Tau International (STT-I), biennial conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
17 mrt. 2010Activiteit: Participation in conference
EARLI Education in Health Care and Practice
Wolter Paans (Speaker)
30 nov. 2008Activiteit: Participation in conference