Foto van Ties Ausma
  • Zernikeplein 11, Van DoorenVeste

    9747 AS Groningen



Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar



  • 2017

    DMSP: Occurrence in Plants and Response to Salinity in Zea mays

    Ausma, T., Kebert, M., Stefels, J. & De Kok, L. J., 17 jun. 2017, Sulfur Metabolism in Higher Plants: Fundamental, Environmental and Agricultural Aspects. 1 uitgave Springer, blz. 87-91 5 blz. (Proceedings of the International Plant Sulfur Workshop, Vol. 3).

    Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterAcademicpeer review

  • Impact of Atmospheric H2S, Salinity and Anoxia on Sulfur Metabolism in Zea mays

    Ausma, T., Parmar, S., Hawkesford, M. J. & De Kok, L. J., 17 jun. 2017, Sulfur Metabolism in Higher Plants: Fundamental, Environmental and Agricultural Aspects. Springer, blz. 93-101 9 blz. (Proceedings of the International Plant Sulfur Workshop, Vol. 3).

    Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterAcademicpeer review