Foto van Ties Ausma
  • Zernikeplein 11, Van DoorenVeste

    9747 AS Groningen



Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar

Persoonlijk profiel

Personal profile

Ties Ausma was born on July 20, 1994, in Oldekerk, The Netherlands. After he obtained his Gymnasium high school diploma from RSG De Borgen in Leek, he started his bachelor Biology at the University of Groningen with the major Ecology and Evolution. Ties finished his bachelor with honors (cum laude) and subsequently continued with the master Ecology and Evolution. In his master, he focused on Plant Biology and he performed research projects at the Laboratories of Plant Physiology and Microbial Ecology. In the final phase of his master, Ties wrote a research proposal on uncovering the regulation of sulfate metabolism in C4 plants. This proposal was awarded with a personal PhD grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Ties received his master diploma with honors (cum laude) and commenced his PhD project at the Laboratory of Plant Physiology, under the supervision of Dr. Luit J. De Kok, Dr. mult. Casper J. van der Kooi, and Prof. J. Theo M. Elzenga. After finishing his PhD project, Ties accepted a position as lecturer at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen, The Netherlands. In this position he educates students on plant biology. Moreover, under the supervision of dr. Lizette Oudhuis (Professorship Healthy Food and Nutrition), he introduces plant biological research at the Hanze.


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