Foto van Sven Jacobus Gertruda Geelen

Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar

Persoonlijk profiel

Personal profile

As a postdoctoral researcher in the specialized Burn Center at Martini Hospital, with a track record as a physical therapist and a PhD in implementation science, I have extensive clinical and research experience with implementing changes in healthcare and co-producing patient-tailored behavioral change interventions. In particular, I am interested in the following topics:

* Behavioral change,

* Self-management and self-management support,

* Shared decision making,

* Participatory Action Research (PAR),

* Implementation science,

* Value-based healthcare (VBHC),

* Inclusive research,

* Research methodology (challenges in and mixing quantitative and qualitative research),

* Continuous improvement models and

* Research philosophy.


Furthermore, I seriously enjoy providing education and training!

Externe posities

Association of Dutch Burn Centers, Burn Center Martini Hospital, Groningen, The Netherlands, Martini Ziekenhuis

4 mrt. 2022 → …


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