Projecten per jaar
GINA: Green Infrastructure in Urban Areas - innovative educational educational course
Boogaard, F. (PI), de Boer, E. (PI) & Theron, C. (CoI)
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: Research
SPARKLES: SPARKing a nature-positive future of floating solar for humans and nature across LandscapES
Boogaard, F. (PI), van der Moolen, B. (CoPI), Koops, S. (PI) & Theron, C. (PI)
1/01/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
Floating Future
Boogaard, F. (PI), Koops, S. (CoI), van der Moolen, B. (CoI) & Theron, C. (PI)
1/01/24 → 1/01/28
Project: Research
Groenblauwe Stad
Boogaard, F. (PI), Koning, J. (CoI) & Boer, M. (PI)
1/10/23 → 30/09/25
Project: Research
Climate change adaptation under multiple interpretations of reality
de Jong, L. (PI), Melsen, L. (CoI), Veldwisch, G. J. (CoI), Boogaard, F. (CoI) & Boelens, R. (CoI)
2/12/21 → 2/12/25
Project: PHD Onderzoek
Klimaatadaptatie, waar, wat en met wie kunnen we maatregelen nemen? PhD onderzoek naar de klimaatadaptieve stad
Roest, A. (PI), Boogaard, F. (CoI), Van den Brink, M. (CoI) & Horlings, I. (PI)
1/09/20 → 31/12/25
Project: PHD Onderzoek