Activiteiten per jaar
- 16 resultaten
Action and design research for Master of Music students: Differences and similarities
Corinne van Beilen (Speaker)
18 apr. 2023Activiteit: Invited talk
Case study research for Master of Music students: When to use it and why
Corinne van Beilen (Speaker)
18 apr. 2023Activiteit: Invited talk
R-YOUCULT in The Netherlands
Corinne van Beilen (Speaker) & Annelies Kassenberg (Speaker)
2 mei 2022 → 4 mei 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
R- Youcult in the Netherlands
Corinne van Beilen (Speaker) & Annelies Kassenberg (Speaker)
2 mei 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
Ruimte - In de etalage
Corinne van Beilen (Speaker) & Rhea Hummel (Speaker)
11 mei 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
''Lerend" samenwerken: wat "is" het en hoe doe je het?
Corinne van Beilen (Speaker)
18 nov. 2021Activiteit: Invited talk
Ontwikkelend onderzoek
Corinne van Beilen (Speaker) & Evert Bisschop Boele (Speaker)
24 jun. 2021Activiteit: Invited talk
LKCA Onderzoeksconferentie Cultuureducatie en Cultuurparticipatie 2018
Corinne van Beilen (Participant)
5 feb. 2018Activiteit: Participation in conference
Corinne van Beilen (Speaker), Nathalie Beekman (Speaker) & Gudrun Beckmann (Speaker)
5 jul. 2017 → 7 jul. 2017Activiteit: Oral presentation
Onderzoeksconferentie LKCA
Corinne van Beilen (Participant)
28 nov. 2016Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar, course
7th Teacher's Academy 2015
Corinne van Beilen (Participant)
15 mei 2015 → 17 mei 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
Creative industries : opportunities and challenges for Mongolia
Corinne van Beilen (Speaker)
24 okt. 2012Activiteit: Invited talk
Lifelong learning for sustainable development
Corinne van Beilen (Speaker)
23 apr. 2007Activiteit: Invited talk
Sustainable development – lifelong and life wide
Corinne van Beilen (Keynote speaker)
18 dec. 2006Activiteit: Invited talk