Activiteiten per jaar
- 1.600 - 1.650 van 1.941 resultaten
waterCoG in Netherlands: fieldtrip constructed wetland instructions on BMPs in Amsterdam
Floris Boogaard (Member)
31 mrt. 2017Activiteit: Other
When local initiatives Take on Complex Projects, Energy Academy Europe, Groningen
Mieke Oostra (Speaker) & Tineke van der Schoor (Speaker)
15 jun. 2017Activiteit: Participation in conference
Web-based international knowledge exchange tool on urban resilience and climate proofing cities:
Floris Boogaard (Speaker)
12 sep. 2017Activiteit: Oral presentation
Wateropleidingen regenwatervoorzieningen 5
Floris Boogaard (Speaker)
7 feb. 2017Activiteit: Oral presentation
Regiobijeenkomst Ruimtelijke adaptatie
Floris Boogaard (Speaker)
6 mrt. 2017Activiteit: Oral presentation
Innovative monitoring methods for high resolution quick scans of water quality
Floris Boogaard (Speaker), Rui L.P. Lima (Speaker), Irene Asta Wiborg (Speaker), Flemming Gertz (Speaker) & Morten Graversgaard (Speaker)
26 jun. 2017Activiteit: Oral presentation
NIG Annual Work Conference
Tineke van der Schoor (Speaker) & Bert Scholtens (Speaker)
9 nov. 2017 → 10 nov. 2017Activiteit: Participation in conference
Beleidsvisie over het gemeentelijke beleid op het gebied van afvalwater, grondwater en hemelwater, Werkendam
Floris Boogaard (Speaker)
3 jul. 2017Activiteit: Oral presentation
The need for INnovations for eXtreme Climatic EventS (INXCES)
Floris Boogaard (Speaker)
13 mrt. 2017 → 16 mrt. 2017Activiteit: Oral presentation
37th International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) World Congress 2017
Floris Boogaard (Participant)
13 aug. 2017 → 18 aug. 2017Activiteit: Participation in conference
When local initiatives Take on Complex Projects, Energy Academy Europe, Groningen
Tineke van der Schoor (Speaker) & Clemens Bernardt (Speaker)
15 jun. 2017Activiteit: Participation in conference
Approach for seismic protection of historical structures
Ihsan Engin Bal (Speaker), Eleni Smyrou (Speaker) & Jelle Pama (Speaker)
8 jun. 2017Activiteit: Invited talk
ZonMw Programma Create Health (Externe Organisatie)
Jeannette E. Nijkamp (Member)
jan. 2017 → …Activiteit: Membership of committee
Ruimte voor organisaties
Mobach, M. P. (Speaker), Rogier, J. J. H. (Speaker) & Smid, G. A. C. (Speaker)
3 nov. 2017Activiteit: Invited talk
Innovation Symposium
Lechner, S. (Organiser) & Mobach, M. P. (Participant)
19 jan. 2017Activiteit: Participation in conference
Presentatie introductie Kenniscentrum NoorderRuimte 2017
Mobach, M. P. (Speaker), Jorritsma, L. (Speaker) & Froentjes, R. (Speaker)
4 sep. 2017Activiteit: Oral presentation
Health space design
Mobach, M. P. (Speaker) & Lechner, S. (Speaker)
9 jun. 2017Activiteit: Invited talk
The effect of a breastfeeding support program on breastfeeding duration: a quasi-experiment
van Dellen, S. (Speaker) & Dijkstra, A. (Speaker)
3 feb. 2017Activiteit: Oral presentation
Bevolkingsontwikkeling Noord-Nederland
Bulder, E. A. M. (Speaker)
22 nov. 2017Activiteit: Oral presentation
Symposium ‘Sociale initiatieven in leegstaand vastgoed’
Jan Veuger (Invited speaker)
1 dec. 2016Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Ministerie Binnenlandse Zaken (Externe Organisatie)
Elly van der Klauw (Chair)
1 okt. 2016 → 1 feb. 2019Activiteit: Membership of committee
Inspiratiedag actieprogramma sociale vitaliteit EemsDelta Leeft
Jannie Rozema (Speaker)
22 nov. 2016Activiteit: Oral presentation
EDRiT: Emsdollart Region in Transition – Innovations-Werkstatt auf der Grenze
E.A.M. Bulder (Speaker)
26 sep. 2016Activiteit: Invited talk
Study Tour ‘Hospital of the Future’
Stefan Lechner (Participant)
2 nov. 2016 → 4 nov. 2016Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Delta Talent Academy
Floris Boogaard (Speaker)
29 sep. 2016 → 30 sep. 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
9th international conference Novatech 2016
Floris Boogaard (Speaker)
29 jun. 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
Adviesraad Platteland en Kleine Kernen, gemeente Tynaarlo (Externe Organisatie)
Jannie Rozema (Member)
2016 → 2020Activiteit: Membership of council
Monitorgroep Cocreatie Paddepoel - Groningen (Externe Organisatie)
Jannie Rozema (Member)
2016 → 2020Activiteit: Membership of council
Wateropleidingen regenwatervoorzieningen 1
Floris Boogaard (Speaker)
11 mei 2016Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar, course
10th Intecol International Wetlands Conference
Floris Boogaard (Speaker)
19 sep. 2016 → 24 sep. 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
3rd European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, Bremen
Floris Boogaard (Speaker)
13 apr. 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
2nd International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Comfort of Historic Buildings
Tineke van der Schoor (Speaker)
19 okt. 2016 → 21 okt. 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
Floris Boogaard (Organiser)
2 aug. 2016Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Presentatie resultaten Onderzoek binnenklimaat bij een professionele organisatie
Henk Willem Brink (Speaker)
1 jun. 2016 → 30 jan. 2017Activiteit: Oral presentation
Quality and satisfaction of thermal comfort in Dutch offices
Brink, H. W. (Speaker)
2 jun. 2016Activiteit: Oral presentation