Activiteiten per jaar
- 1 - 50 van 75 resultaten
Effectiveness of Teaching & Learning Practices in Finance for International Business Students
Kateryna Grabovets (Speaker)
27 nov. 2024Activiteit: Oral presentation
REMO: Pilot facility for production of Renewable Molecules
Krooneman, J. (Speaker) & Teerling, J. (Speaker)
21 mrt. 2024Activiteit: Oral presentation
Presentatie opening REMO-Lab tijdens het New Energy Forum
Teerling, J. (Speaker) & Krooneman, J. (Speaker)
20 jun. 2024Activiteit: Oral presentation
Conversion of a Xylose-rich Stream from Biomass-biorefining into Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) by Schlegelella thermodepolymerans
Krooneman, J. (Speaker), Bertran Llorens, S. (Speaker), Zhou, W. (Speaker), Palazzolo, M. A. (Speaker), Colpa, D. (Speaker), Euverink, G. J. W. (Speaker) & Deuss, P. (Speaker)
13 sep. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
Lezing kick-off Interreg project Biotech Talent Unlocked
Krooneman, J. (Speaker)
31 mrt. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
Living Lab demonstrator Bierlijn, Wat kan er mee?
Peterzon, M. (Speaker) & Doornkamp, A. (Speaker)
14 apr. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
Sustainable building blocks at the Hanze
Heeres, A. (Speaker)
6 jun. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
Trustworthy AI
Talko Dijkhuis (Speaker), Rix Groenboom (Speaker) & Jan Balje (Speaker)
12 mei 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
AI at Hanze university
Balje, J. (Speaker), Dijkhuis, T. (Speaker) & Wassenaar, T. (Speaker)
11 mei 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
Praktijkgericht Fermentatieonderzoek: Faciliteiten, van lab tot productieschaal (Lezing Lectorenplatform Biobased Economy)
Krooneman, J. (Speaker)
15 dec. 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
Kennis Centrum Biobased Economy en de Biobased/Circulaire Transitie
Keller, E. (Speaker)
26 okt. 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
Contributing to health care transition bottom-up
Dommerholt, E. (Speaker)
6 jul. 2021Activiteit: Oral presentation
Towards the Circular Economy and Beyond : implications of an ongoing transition for the professorship Biobased Business Valorization at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
Dommerholt, E. (Speaker)
20 mei 2021Activiteit: Oral presentation
Circular biopolymers valorisation: PHA
Binnema, D. J. (Speaker)
26 nov. 2020Activiteit: Oral presentation
LED's Grow plants in our new facility at ZAP
den Os, D. (Speaker)
3 nov. 2020Activiteit: Oral presentation
Towards finding resistance mechanisms to targeted therapy in ROS1-positive non-small cell lung cancer
Smelt, M. (Speaker) & Drayer, L. (Speaker)
26 mei 2020Activiteit: Oral presentation
Potential of added value applications of polyhydroxyalkanoates
Keller, E. (Speaker) & Heeres, A. (Speaker)
12 nov. 2020Activiteit: Oral presentation
Biobased Economie, Kansen voor Oost Groningen
Heeres, A. (Speaker) & Heeres , E. (Speaker)
23 feb. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Tagetes, eine vielseitige Erfolgsgeschichte
Heeres, A. (Speaker)
11 dec. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Tagetes (afrikaantjes): een nieuw gewas?
Heeres, A. (Speaker)
5 nov. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Instituut voor Life Science & Technology - Onderzoek en Onderwijs
Smelt, M. (Speaker) & Faber, F. (Speaker)
28 nov. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Sustainable production of plastics (BioBTX)
Heeres, A. (Speaker)
4 jan. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Protein challenges: herdefiniëren RAAK-MKB projectaanvraag
Faber, F. (Speaker)
30 okt. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Biobased Opportunities voor de Eemsmondregio en Chemiepark Delfzijl
Heeres, A. (Speaker)
26 mrt. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Application of high performance computer technology in bioinformatics
Sven Warris (Keynote speaker) & Jan Peter Nap (Speaker)
22 okt. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Flower anthocyanins as novel antimicrobials to combat antibiotic-resistance
Smelt, M. (Speaker)
23 apr. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Sensor technology in agro processing: agriculture 4.0 AGRICULTURE 4.0
Heinrich Wörtche (Speaker)
12 dec. 2018Activiteit: Oral presentation
BIOCAS circular BIOmass CAScade to 100%
van Haren, R. (Speaker)
31 mei 2018Activiteit: Oral presentation
Panarchy in the anthropocene
van Haren, R. (Speaker) & Starmann, I. (Speaker)
25 apr. 2018Activiteit: Oral presentation
Entrepreneurial discovery process
Dommerholt, E. (Speaker) & Schorren, D. (Speaker)
15 jan. 2018Activiteit: Oral presentation
Grasverwaarding, Pitch SNN
Elema, G. (Speaker) & Heeres, A. (Speaker)
20 dec. 2018Activiteit: Oral presentation
Biobased chemistry in the Northern part of the Netherlands (BERNN)
Heeres, A. (Speaker)
26 apr. 2018Activiteit: Oral presentation
LIBBIO: lupin beauty from marginal soils
van Haren, R. (Speaker) & Starmann, I. (Speaker)
21 sep. 2018Activiteit: Oral presentation
Anthocyanins as next generation antimicrobials to combat antibiotic-resistance
Smelt, M. (Speaker)
26 okt. 2018Activiteit: Oral presentation
CO2 opslag en biomethaan productie: aardbevingsvrij gas uit Groningen?
Nap, J. P. (Speaker)
5 dec. 2018Activiteit: Oral presentation