Activiteiten per jaar
- 1 - 50 van 133 resultaten
Serious Games about AI
Sophie de Klerk (Speaker), Steven Warmelink (Speaker), Kostya Deputatov (Speaker) & Mirjam Plantinga (Speaker)
24 apr. 2024Activiteit: Oral presentation
Virtual Fitness Coach: de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden van machine learning
Talko Dijkhuis (Speaker)
13 jun. 2024Activiteit: Oral presentation
Werken met AI. Wat denk jezelf?
Talko Dijkhuis (Speaker) & Bart Barnard (Speaker)
8 nov. 2024Activiteit: Oral presentation
Game-Based Learning to Elicit and Improve Value Creation in Learning Communities
Braad, E. (Speaker) & Veltman, M. (Speaker)
26 nov. 2024Activiteit: Oral presentation
AI month: Introduction to deep learning
Sophie de Klerk (Speaker)
27 jun. 2024Activiteit: Oral presentation
Thema Nachtzorg in Health North
Miriam van Ittersum (Speaker) & Erik Soepenberg (Speaker)
10 sep. 2024Activiteit: Oral presentation
Adaptation and Implementation on-the-go: employing co-creation in designing a reflection- and journaling app for student nurses
Ivo Bril (Speaker)
7 mrt. 2024Activiteit: Oral presentation
OpenEHR: Open Platform for Patient-centred Health Data
Sophie de Klerk (Speaker), Christina Bot (Speaker) & Rix Groenboom (Speaker)
12 mrt. 2024Activiteit: Oral presentation
Socially and Playfully Engaged Learning with Games
Eelco Braad (Speaker) & Eugene Shenderov (Speaker)
28 feb. 2024Activiteit: Oral presentation
Learning by doing & Festo learning community
Marike Peterzon (Speaker) & Marieke Pet (Speaker)
23 nov. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
Living Lab demonstrator Bierlijn, Wat kan er mee?
Marike Peterzon (Speaker) & Annette Doornkamp (Speaker)
14 apr. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
Case study 5G connectiviteit: smart vest with realtime edge-computing
Jos Bredek (Speaker)
13 jan. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
A continuous challenge. Exploratory research on digital vulnerability in Groningen
Arnout Ponsioen (Speaker)
3 apr. 2023 → 4 apr. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
- - A friendly crowd logistics platform
Matthijs Platje (Speaker)
7 feb. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
Challenge Based Learning - Experience at Hanze University of Applied Sciences: Innovation Work Place and Momentum pilot
Madelon van Oostrom (Speaker) & Nejla Karabulut (Speaker)
15 mrt. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
European Digital Literacy Coalition for Inclusion, Collaboration and Innovation in Higher Education – IGNITION: A shared vision and agenda for digital literacy and inclusion
Madelon van Oostrom (Speaker)
3 apr. 2023 → 4 apr. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
Update drie deelsessies (met toeleiders) en onderzoeksactiviteiten
Arnout Ponsioen (Speaker)
8 dec. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
Datagedreven leefstijlbeïnvloeding
Hilbrand Oldenhuis (Invited speaker)
29 jun. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
Een onverminderde uitdaging. Verkennend onderzoek naar digitale kwetsbaarheid in Groningen
Arnout Ponsioen (Speaker)
21 apr. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
European Digital Literacy Coalition for Inclusion, Collaboration and Innovation in Higher Education - Ignition IO1: A shared vision and agenda for digital literacy and inclusion
Madelon van Oostrom (Speaker)
30 mei 2023 → 31 mei 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
Towards continuous mental state detection in everyday settings: investigating between-subjects variations in a longitudinal study
Berkemeier, L. (Speaker)
21 mrt. 2023Activiteit: Oral presentation
CyberTalks & Rix Groenboom: How to validate your software & IT
Rix Groenboom (Speaker)
15 mrt. 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
WEARME study : health by technology 2022
Herman de Vries (Speaker)
12 mei 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
AI at Hanze university
Jan Balje (Speaker), Talko Dijkhuis (Speaker) & Tsjerk Wassenaar (Speaker)
11 mei 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
Trustworthy AI
Talko Dijkhuis (Speaker), Rix Groenboom (Speaker) & Jan Balje (Speaker)
12 mei 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
Programma Cyber Security Noord Nederland
Rix Groenboom (Speaker)
17 feb. 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
VRAMBO – Demo Virtual Reality training voor ambulancepersoneel
Rik Boer (Speaker)
24 mei 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
Digitale Vaardigheden voor de Economische Sectorraad
Nick Degens (Speaker) & Philip Stein (Speaker)
19 mei 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
Smart vest with realtime edge-computing
Jos Bredek (Speaker)
16 nov. 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
Workshop Jupyter Notebooks
Sophie de Klerk (Speaker) & Ruud Steltenpool (Speaker)
13 jun. 2022Activiteit: Oral presentation
Using a digital interactive narrative as a guided self-reflection tool for beginning nurses to encourage self-care
Ivo Bril (Speaker)
11 jun. 2021Activiteit: Oral presentation
Wie verzorgt de verzorger? Beginnende verpleegkundigen gepersonaliseerde digitale steun geven in hun transitie naar de werkvloer om burn-outklachten en uitstroom te voorkomen.
Ivo Bril (Speaker)
17 nov. 2020Activiteit: Oral presentation
VRAMBO: Ambulancepersoneel (nog beter) opleiden met Virtual Reality Training die werkt! [VR in nascholing Spoedzorg]
Rik Boer (Speaker)
25 jun. 2020Activiteit: Oral presentation
Wearables and app-based resilience modeling in employees (WearMe)
Herman de Vries (Speaker)
27 jan. 2020Activiteit: Oral presentation
Wearables and app-based resilience modeling in employees (WearMe)
Herman de Vries (Speaker)
18 nov. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Investigating resilience patterns based on within-subject changes in sleep and resting heart rate variability
Herman de Vries (Speaker)
17 mei 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Fit for play: adaptive experience
Heleen Meijburg (Speaker), Jef Folkerts (Speaker) & Nick Degens (Speaker)
17 mei 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Wearable and app-based resilience modelling in employees (WearMe)
de Vries, H. (Speaker)
26 feb. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Klaar voor Industrie 4.0?: Industrie 4.0 - Arbeidsorganisaties - Growln 4.0
Marike Peterzon (Speaker), Harm van Lieshout (Speaker) & Trienke Drijfhout-Roeters (Speaker)
27 mrt. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Kennissessie GrowIn 4.0: Be Smart, Get Ready
Marike Peterzon (Speaker), Harm van Lieshout (Speaker) & Trienke Drijfhout-Roeters (Speaker)
28 mrt. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Virtual Reality voor Ambulance verpleegkundig onderwijs van complexe situaties: Ambulancepersoneel (nog beter) opleiden met Virtual Reality Training die werkt!
Rik Boer (Speaker) & Marieke de Boer (Speaker)
14 nov. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Poster presentation "Blended Beweegstimulering bij mensen met chronische pijn en / of depressie"
Miriam van Ittersum (Speaker) & Hilbrand Oldenhuis (Speaker)
14 nov. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation
Trainen van ambulance personeel met virtual reality
Rik Boer (Speaker) & Marieke de Boer (Speaker)
31 jul. 2019Activiteit: Oral presentation