- 23 resultaten
2015 JOSPT George J. Davies - James A. Gould Excellence in Clinical Inquiry Award
Benjaminse, Anne (Recipient), 2015
Prijs: National/international honour
2017 Veni Award by Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw). €250.000,-. Understanding motor learning to prevent ankle and knee injuries in sports: a novel approach.
Benjaminse, Anne (Recipient), 2017
Prijs: National/international honour
2018 Crux prize: Best bachelor thesis (Nutrition & Dietetics)
Bosch, F. G. (Recipient), 2018
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
2018 GOTS “Paper of highest public interest”
Benjaminse, Anne (Recipient), Gokeler, Alli (Recipient), Verhagen, E A (Recipient), Seil, Romain (Recipient) & Kerkhoffs, Gino (Recipient), 2018
Prijs: National/international honour
Best dissertation Award ‘TulipMed Prijs voor Sportgeneeskunde 2016’
Benjaminse, Anne (Recipient), 24 nov. 2016
Prijs: National/international honour
Best paper award
Dijkhuis, T. (Recipient), Otter, R. (Recipient), Velthuijsen, H. (Recipient) & Lemmink, K. (Recipient), 23 mrt. 2018
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Bestand -
Best poster award - 3rd place 'To tell or not to tell'
Hofstra, Jacomijn (Recipient), 17 nov. 2015
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best poster award Rehabilitatiecongres - First price
van der Ende, Peter (Recipient), 2015
Prijs: National/international honour
Bestand -
Douglas Bennett Award
Korevaar, L. (Recipient), 17 apr. 2013
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Erasmus+ Sport Collaborative Partnership 2018.
Benjaminse, Anne (Recipient), de Jong, Johan (Recipient) & Mombarg, Bert (Recipient), 2018
Prijs: National/international honour
eTELEMED 2019 Best Paper Award
de Vries, H. (Recipient), Kamphuis, W. (Recipient), Oldenhuis, H. (Recipient), van der Schans, C. (Recipient) & Sanderman, R. (Recipient), 28 feb. 2019
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Bestand -
European Health Promotion Award
de Jong, Johan (Recipient), sep. 2000
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy “Outstanding Research Manuscript” Award for 2017
Benjaminse, Anne (Recipient), 2017
Prijs: National/international honour
Jaco den Dekker afstudeerprijs
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra (Recipient), Hofstra, Bert (Recipient) & Tan, Caroline (Recipient), 8 dec. 2018
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Johanna Diepeveen-Speekenbrink wetenschapsprijs 2022
van Veen, Suzan (Recipient), 14 dec. 2022
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
PHD award Physical Therapy
Geelen, Sven Jacobus Gertruda (Recipient), sep. 2023
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
PhD award Rehabilitation Medicine
Geelen, Sven Jacobus Gertruda (Recipient), nov. 2022
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Prison Achievement Award 2022
Blaauw, Eric (Recipient) & de Groot, Marie-Anne (Recipient), 2022
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Professor of the year 2019
Korevaar, L. (Recipient), 20 jun. 2019
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Stichting Atze Spoorprijs
Luinge, Margreet (Recipient), 2005
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
World Physiotherapy International Service Award
Hobbelen, Hans (Recipient), 3 jun. 2023
Prijs: National/international honour