Activiteiten per jaar
- 1 - 50 van 595 resultaten
Interprofessioneel samenwerken in de Geriatrische Revalidatie: hoe doe je dat?
Hans Drenth (Speaker)
26 jan. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Samen sterk door interprofessioneel samenwerken
Hans Drenth (Speaker)
22 mrt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Citizen Science. Lectorenlunch 17 jan 2024
Rhoda Schuling (Speaker) & Remo Mombarg (Speaker)
17 jan. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Resident participation and the exercise-friendly neighborhood - a practical example
Berry van Holland (Speaker)
4 jun. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
NPi masterclass Paratonie en andere motorische stoornissen bij dementie
Hans Hobbelen (Speaker) & Hans Drenth (Speaker)
24 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Movement disorders in dementia, with the focus Paratonia
Hans Hobbelen (Speaker)
14 mrt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Dementie en motoriek, in het bijzonder paratonie en de fysiotherapeutische behandeling
Hans Hobbelen (Speaker)
11 mrt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Studiedag Talentgericht werken
Henderien Steenbeek (Speaker) & Helmar Rouwenhorst (Speaker)
8 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Co-creating a NEw for of governance in Societal Transition for Healthy Living
Johan de Jong (Speaker), Paul Beenen (Speaker) & Matthias Guett (Speaker)
8 feb. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Gevoel van inclusie, peer acceptatie en motivatie en welzijn: Leerling ervaringen in het (voortgezet) speciaal onderwijs
Henderien Steenbeek (Speaker)
10 jul. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 1 Start
L. Korevaar (Speaker) & Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker)
11 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 2b and Step 3a
L. Korevaar (Speaker) & Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker)
11 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 4 and 5
L. Korevaar (Speaker) & Jacomijn Hofstra (Speaker)
11 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Expert by Experience Education
L. Korevaar (Speaker) & Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker)
10 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Groningen Expertise by Experience Training (GEET): The results of an evaluation study into the personal and social benefits for participants over the past 15 years
Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker) & L. Korevaar (Invited speaker)
8 okt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Vertel ik het wel of vertel ik het niet?
Jacomijn Hofstra (Speaker)
4 dec. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Begeleid Leren voor studenten met psychische problemen
Jacomijn Hofstra (Speaker)
14 mrt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
BDB-workshop Begeleid Leren voor studenten met psychische problemen
Jacomijn Hofstra (Speaker) & Jorien van der Velde (Speaker)
25 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Healthy Living in Communities
Johan de Jong (Keynote speaker), Paul Beenen (Speaker), Rhoda Schuling (Speaker), Berry van Holland (Speaker), Nikki Jepkema (Speaker) & Harold Hofenk (Speaker)
12 jun. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
1+1=3 ‘t PASST Samen: Professionaliseren rondom kinderen met ASS – Leren van Gedrag
Carla Geveke (Speaker)
26 mrt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Workshop Alle ballen op vitaliteit
Klaske Veth (Speaker) & Remo Mombarg (Speaker)
30 mei 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Introduction
L. Korevaar (Speaker) & Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker)
11 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 3b
L. Korevaar (Speaker) & Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker)
11 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Supported Education for students with mental health and/or psychosocial difficulties: training step 4 Setting an Educational Action Plan + step 5 : Monitoring progress
Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker) & L. Korevaar (Invited speaker)
10 okt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: training Step 3c Select the critical resources (person or service)
Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker) & L. Korevaar (Invited speaker)
10 okt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Supported Education training for students with mental health problems: Step 3B: Listing critical resources
Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker) & L. Korevaar (Invited speaker)
10 okt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Introduction in principles of Supported Education for students with psychosocial problems
Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker) & L. Korevaar (Invited speaker)
7 okt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Sophie de Klerk (Speaker), Rix Groenboom (Speaker) & Christina Bot (Speaker)
25 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Innovatiewerkplaats Begeleid Leren: projecten en producten
Jacomijn Hofstra (Speaker)
4 dec. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Advisory board meeting CoE Healthy Ageing
Karolien Dons (Speaker) & Krista de Wit (Speaker)
22 okt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Short-term Progression of Abstraction in Student Interaction in Primary Programming Education
Hylke Faber (Speaker)
12 mrt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Taalontwikkeling en motorische ontwikkeling
Margreet Luinge (Speaker)
19 jan. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Taal en bewegen van kinderen met taalontwikkelingsstoornissen
Margreet Luinge (Speaker)
2 feb. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Dementie en motoriek, in het bijzonder paratonie en de fysiotherapeutische behandeling
Hans Hobbelen (Speaker)
16 mrt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
IPTOP and the pivotal role of physiotherapy in the care for older people
Hans Hobbelen (Speaker)
2 mei 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
The practictal implications of prehabilitation
Daniëlle Talen (Speaker)
22 mei 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
1+1=3 't PASST Samen: Professionaliseren rondom kinderen met ASS - RENN-spiratie
Carla Geveke (Speaker)
4 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
De schaduwkanten van ouderschap: herkennen, bespreken en verlichten
Susan Ketner (Speaker)
24 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 2a Requirements of the school
L. Korevaar (Speaker) & Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker)
11 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 3c
L. Korevaar (Speaker) & Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker)
11 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Summary and evaluation
L. Korevaar (Speaker) & Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker)
11 apr. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: training Step 2b: Personel important behaviors, 3a: Listing critical skills
Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker) & L. Korevaar (Invited speaker)
10 okt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: training Session 8 Overall summary and Evaluation
Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker) & L. Korevaar (Invited speaker)
10 okt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Experts by Experience Basic course
L. Korevaar (Invited speaker) & Jacomijn Hofstra (Invited speaker)
8 okt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk