Teaching EU in times of new global realities

Pers / media: Research


Social Media (LinkedIn) post

Periode8 jun. 2023




  • TitelTeaching EU in times of new global realities
    Mate van erkenningInternational
    Media naam/outletLinkedin
    Release datum8/06/23
    BeschrijvingLast week I had the opportunity to give a talk on at the International conference “The European Union in a Globalising World: Multidisciplinary Perspectives”, organized by the University of Groningen. In my talk I discussed (1) what does it mean to teach EU in times of new global realities, such as ongoing climate change, war in Ukraine, and continuing migration crisis; and (2) why it is crucial to teach EU in
    classrooms of different nationalities and different disciplinary studies, and not just in studies of international relations or EU law. Also, I invited to change the established way of teaching EU that focuses predominantly on complexity of EU decision making to, what I call, “a value based teaching of EU” that
    requires to start every explanation, whether it is a history of European integration, EU decision making and policies, or EU law, with an in-class discussion on European values and their role in European actions and national & regional policies of EU member states.
    May you wish to contribute to a further development of “a value based teaching of EU” method or implement this in your classroom, please get in touch with me!
    #teachingEU #teachingEU #EU #teaching #university #education #explainingEU #europeanunion #EUvalues #EuropeanIntegration #newglobalrealities #interdisciplinary #change #JeanMonnet #JeanMonnetChair #JMC #RuG #Hanze
    Producent / auteurKviatek, B.
    PersonenBeata Kviatek


Titelthe International Conference “The European Union in a Globalising World: Multidisciplinary Perspectives”
LocatieUniversity of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Periode1 jun. 2023 → 2 jun. 2023


  • lesgeven over de EU
  • Europese Unie
  • onderwijs
  • uitleg geven over de EU
  • EU waarden
  • Europese integratie
  • nieuwe globale realiteiten
  • Jean Monnet Chair
  • interdisciplinariteit