A practice-based research is presented investigating a method of teaching CI-recipients to play the piano with the goal of improving their aural perception. The method is based on the concept of ideomotor learning i.e. the development of a neural association between music and the movement that produces it and vice versa. In the context of the dual-stream perception-action model, this association can be termed ‘audition-for-action’ . Its development is dependent on procedural learning . Furthermore, it is a relationship between music (not only sound) and movement, implying that implicit knowledge of music should be acquired. The method was developed cyclically by planning the lesson series, developing teaching materials, conducting the lessons, observing videos, and then evaluating and adapting the teaching approach. The preliminary results suggest that audiomotor learning in CI-recipients is possible and that they are quite able to learn to play a music instrument in this manner.Periode | 4 mei 2017 |
Mate van erkenning | Local |
- cochleair implantaten
- muziekonderwijs
- audiomotor leren
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