How to Study Interactions between Challenging Behaviour and Space? Exploring the Relevance of Routinely Collected Data

Activiteit: Oral presentation


ARCH22 connects researchers and practitioners around the conference theme and will be based at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. ARCH22 also wants to attract those interested in the new Erasmus University Medical Center’s hospital environment, and the evaluation studies carried out regarding this project. All delegates will have the opportunity to experience this new, award-winning hospital environment in Rotterdam.

The theme ‘Enabling health, care and well-being through design research’ will bring together research, real estate and design professionals across disciplines and countries, to present findings and exchange gained knowledge and experiences.
Periode23 aug. 2022
EvenementstitelARCH22: 5th Architecture Research Care and Health conference
LocatieDelft , NetherlandsToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternational


  • uitdagend gedrag
  • verstandelijke beperking
  • routinematig verzamelde gegevens
  • architectuur
  • ruimte