EnTrance: Centre of Expertise Energy - "If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change."

Activiteit: Invited talk


Presentation given and game played at the house of the Dutch provincies in Brussel. Within the Energy Battle game four roles must reach a common goal of renewable production in their village and an individual goal per role. The roles in the game are People, Planet, Profit, and Balance. The group must work out together how to reach their main goal and that of the individual goals through negotiation. The intended purpose of the game is to show players that sustainability is a matter of perspective, namely the perspective of the role the play, and that local renewable integration is a complex proces involving many factors and stakeholders with different goals.
Gehouden opHuis van de Nederlandse Provincies, Belgium
Mate van erkenningInternational


  • hernieuwbare energie
  • duurzaamheid
  • spel