Community and Competition: Battle or Boost?: a scoping review in the context of honors education: (Poster presentation)

Activiteit: Oral presentation


As part of honors education, there are two dominant ways in which talented students in Dutch secondary vocational education get extracurricular opportunities: (1) participation in honors programs in which a community with peers is central and (2) participation in professional competitions. There is evidence to suggest that both community building within honors education (Kingma et al., 2017; Wabike, 2021; Wawrzynski et al., 2012), and competition in education (Burguillo, 2010) contribute to enhancing students' learning capacity. As building a community with others and wanting to win over others seem to contradict each other, it might be counter-productive to combine these two aspects of teaching talented students into one overarching program. Consequently, the question arises: how do these concepts interact, and could combining both concepts contribute to more optimal learning outcomes? We are conducting a scoping review to address these questions as part of a PhD project within the research group Talent Development in Higher Education and Society at Hanzehogeschool. The poster will present preliminary results of the scoping review and focus on the central question: is combining the concepts of community and competition a battle or a boost? We look forward to engaging in a lively conversation about this topic.
Periode7 jun. 2024
EvenementstitelInternational Honours Conference
LocatieEnschede, NetherlandsToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternational


  • honors onderwijs
  • gemeenschap
  • competitie