Baukultur, Placemaking, Place Governance and the Role for FM

Activiteit: Invited talk


The role that the physical environment plays in value creation is changing. Place is becoming an ever more critical role in people’s willingness to come and spend time in a given environment. There are vital linkages between place-making and place maintenance. This session will discuss the emergence of place-making and place-governance systems like the Baukultur Quality System. Baukultur is a German term that describes the “culture of building.” The concept includes any, and every, human activity that changes the built environment. Baukultur calls for new construction and existing infrastructure and public space to be understood as a single entity. Interdisciplinary and multisectorial exchanges will be required to develop comprehensive, holistic, and transdisciplinary understanding of the built environment. This panel debate focuses on how assessment models like these change the facility manager’s role in facilitating the built environment for sustainability and people’s well-being.
Periode2 jun. 2022
EvenementstitelWorld Workplace Europe '22: FM for a Sustainable Future
LocatieAmsterdam, NetherlandsToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternational


  • planning van de openbare ruimte
  • inrichting van de openbare ruimte
  • beheer van de openbare ruimte
  • werkplekken