4th International Wellbeing at Work Conference (WAW) 2016

  • Nienke Velterop (Speaker)
  • Sandra Brouwer (Participant)

Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar, course


The value of not-working among unemployed persons aged 45+; a qualitative study.

The participants in this study were all very active. The activities they performed were beneficial to them and therefore important. Valued life domains of the participants were quite similar to the latent benefits that Jahoda (1982) described. Capability was found to be related to the value attributed to paid employment as well as to well-being. Capability was not related to the type of activities performed.
Periode31 mei 2016
LocatieAmsterdam, NetherlandsToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningNational


  • werkloosheid
  • ouderen
  • capaciteiten