Using epistemic synchronization index (ESI) to measure students’ knowledge elaboration process in CSCL

Ning Ding, Jieqiang Wei, Marca Wolfensberger

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Researchers in CSCL have used a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods to track students' cognitive involvement during collaboration. However, neither individual method suffices the need to capture the dynamic evolvement of students' epistemic engagement in CSCL. We developed Epistemic Synchronization Index (ESI) to quantify students' epistemic engagement and evolvement. ESI reveals the knowledge elaboration process of groups, and it helps researchers as well as teachers to distinguish epistemic involvement between members within one group.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)122-131
JournalComputers & education
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • knowledge elaboration
  • sequential analysis
  • content analysis
  • epistemic engagement


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