Urban densification in the Netherlands and its impact on mental health: An expert-based causal loop diagram

Mariëlle Beenackers, Hanneke Kruize, Lisa Barsties, Annelies Acda, Ingrid Bakker, Mariël Droomers, Carlijn Kamphuis, Eric Koomen, Jeannette E. Nijkamp, Lenneke Vaandrager, Beate Völker, Guus Luijben, Annemarie Ruijsbroek

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Urban densification is a key strategy to accommodate rapid urban population growth, but emerging evidence suggests serious risks of urban densification for individuals’ mental health. To better understand the complex pathways from urban densification to mental health, we integrated interdisciplinary expert knowledge in a causal loop diagram via group model building techniques. Six subsystems were identified: five subsystems describing mechanisms on how changes in the urban system caused by urban densification may impact mental health, and one showing how changes in mental health may alter urban densification. The new insights can help to develop resilient, healthier cities for all.
Original languageEnglish
Article number103218
JournalHealth & Place
Publication statusPublished - May 2024


  • complex systems approach
  • group model building
  • inequality
  • mental health
  • population density


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