The role of community energy in the locked energy systems: the case of the Netherlands

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    The paper studies the impact of complex interrelationships between economic, societal, and political realms at multiple levels on the role of community energy initiatives in the energy transition process. The paper focuses specifically on the Netherlands, because of two aspects: (1) existence of the strong political support and favourable regulatory framework for development of community energy, and (2) the systemic challenge of the Dutch energy transition due to the largely fossil-based energy system. The paper identifies systemic, institutional, ideational, or communicative determinants of the role of community renewable energy in the conditions of political support and systemic lock-in.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    EventThe 25th IPSA World Congress of Political Science: Borders and Margins - Brisbane, Australia
    Duration: 21 Jul 201825 Jul 2018


    ConferenceThe 25th IPSA World Congress of Political Science
    Abbreviated titleIPSA2018
    Internet address


    • community energy
    • energy transition
    • governance
    • bottom-up local energy initiatives


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