The Frisian dykes and their touristic and recreational offers

Mohan Yang, Hendrik Meerkotter, Ronald Koch, Hans Revier (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional

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    This report deals with the possibilities for touristic and recreational development on the Wadden Sea coast of the Dutch province of Friesland. The topic is approached against the background of possible dyke reinforcements which might become necessary in future years. The data on this topic were collected by conducting three interviews with stakeholders responsible for or influenced by these changes. In addition 70 questionnaires were handed out to respondents who are using the dykes for touristic or recreational purposes. Results of the research show that a complete reinforcement is not planned so far. Still, the
    people using the dykes have a certain demand for new developments in this field and are not completely satisfied with the current state. It also becomes clear that the possibilities for touristic improvements in the dyke area are limited in many ways. The protection is the main purpose of the dykes and interventions risking the safety are stopped by existing laws. Concluding it can be said that there is a potential for further touristic and recreational improvements in this area. Stakeholders and people using the dykes, all have a certain interest in new developments. Nevertheless, these changes can only be limited to small developments, building up on already existing tourist activities. Furthermore, stakeholders have to improve their cooperation in order to work towards a common goal.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherStenden Hogeschool
    Commissioning bodyGemeente Harlingen
    Number of pages46
    Publication statusPublished - 11 Nov 2011


    • tourism
    • recreation
    • dykes


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