Subsidence in urban areas measured by InSAR (Sentinel1) related to flooding

Floris Boogaard, Guri Venvik, John Dehls, Ane Bang-Kittilsen

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    Rapid changes in the urban environment due to growth puts the urban water cycle out of balance, hence, affecting other surface and subsurface processes, such as subsidence and surface water management.
    Subsidence of the ground is causing risk and hazard, as well as unexpected costs. This newly, November 2018, launched tool InSARNorge is Open Access and part of the Copernicus program.
    In a recent study (Venvik et al. submitted) datasets from InSAR satellites showing subsidence are combined with data from flood modelling in two different analytical methods using ArcGIS tools to develop a risk assessment map for areas most prone to the combination of both flooding and subsidence. Applying usercentred principles, this work focuses on methods for risk assessment maps as a support tool to locate areas where mitigation of subsidence and adaptation for surface water management will be most efficient and measures can be implemented. The results of the methods for risk assessment maps show that one of the methods give significant results compared to the other method. Such method will be a helpful tool for decision-makers when prioritizing areas for measures such as Sustainable urban Drainage Systems (SuDS).
    The study is related to the JPI Water funded project INXCES (
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 14 Jun 2019
    EventCities, Rain & Risk - Malmo, Malmö, Sweden
    Duration: 13 Jun 201914 Jun 2019


    ConferenceCities, Rain & Risk
    Internet address


    • water management


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