Student-framed inquiry in a multidisciplinary bachelor course at a Dutch university of applied sciences

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    When students explore their own open questions, they learn
    to be proactive and see themselves not only as consumers
    but also as producers of knowledge. Such student-framed inquiry
    has received less research attention. This article aims
    to shed light on learning outcomes and effects on students’
    mind-set and behavior by discussing a course that fosters
    student-framed inquiry. The one-semester, elective course
    was open to third- and fourth-year students of various bachelor’s-
    level programs. A questionnaire was sent to alumni after
    11 iterations of the course. The results showed that the
    course fostered the development of skills in innovation, networking,
    and cross-boundary collaboration and learning, as
    well as enhanced personal and professional development.
    Students became more proactive, less afraid to contact people
    and take steps to make things happen. The results suggest
    that courses for inquiry-based learning should include not
    only more traditional, discipline-oriented research skills and
    methods but also student-framed methods for design and
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)40-45
    JournalCUR quarterly
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2017


    • student-framed inquiry
    • undergraduate research
    • design thinking
    • student engagement
    • inquiry-based learning


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