Social artistic values canvas

Anke Coumans, Renee Schuffelers, Stefanie Bonte, Eva Koopmans, Ingrid Schuffelers

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherProfessional


How can further insight into the relationship between artistic and socially added values of arts and culture initiatives result in new ways of working together?

Collaborating with the KultuurLoket of VRIJDAG Groningen and contributing to the Artistic Platform currently being set up in Veendam, researchers from the professorship Image in Context of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences have composed a visual method to develop a ‘Social Artistic Values Canvas’. This method initiates a ‘feedback flow’, which allows researchers and participants to work together, arrive at new insights, and trigger new forms of social artistic action. Measuring impact thereby creates impact: an emergent approach which allows a new ecosystem to arise.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 21 Oct 2022
EventDutch Design Week - Klokgebouw, Eindhoven
Duration: 21 Oct 202229 Nov 2022


OtherDutch Design Week
Internet address


  • art and society


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  • Ontwerpen in het hier en nu

    Coumans, A. & Schuffelers, I. (Illustrator), 23 May 2020, In: Forum +. 27, 2, p. 3-13 1.

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