Seismic behavior of two exterior beam-column connections made of normal-strength concrete developed for precast construction

Ercan Yuksel, H. Faruk Karadogan, Ihsan Engin Bal, Alper Ilki, Ahmet Bal, Pinar Inci

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    The lack of in-depth understanding of the seismic behavior and ductility of precast concrete structures makes it difficult to reach to ductility demand which could be exhibited during an earthquake. The limitations are mainly related to the beam-to-column connections as the main load transfer paths. Two distinct exterior beam-column connections made of normal-strength concrete are investigated experimentally. Both dry and wet type installment techniques are used in the industrial type joints while the residential type joints are wet connections. The specimens are subjected cyclic displacement reversals in order to obtain information on strength, stiffness and ductility characteristics of the connection details. The preliminary design of the joints has been updated during the tests based on the damages observed, thus a set of improved specimens have also been built and tested, and a relatively better performance is obtained expectedly. The industrial and residential types of connections showed stable load-displacement cycles with high energy dissipation up to structural drift of 2%, though a significant level of pinching and deterioration of the critical section have occurred at around 3% drift level. The tested specimens have been numerically modeled to calibrate the analytical tools, and a satisfactory approximation has been obtained between experimental and numerical results.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)157-172
    JournalEngineering Structures
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Sept 2015


    • beam-column connection
    • cyclic behavior of connection
    • exterior connection
    • joint
    • precast construction


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